Emlyn Hughes International Soccer / Audiogenic Software 1988
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This game has been rated 7 times so far. Go to the vote form and give us your rating and comment.

Your comments

markegiani: Definitely the best football game on C64 ! Amazing width of options for football game. If it had a better name and colorful menus and better interface, it would be a megahit.

German Gorevision: Best game ever

Stefano: Simply the best soccer game ever made, pure playability, the father of the winning eleven for playstation and proevolutionsoccer for the most recent consoles as xbox360. When you shoot you have to move correclty the joystick to put the ball exactly where you want, nothing is precalculated, only playability and skill to do great combinations of passage etc. MUST HAVE

heppchen: Best soccer game for C64. Which soccer game before had allowed us to pass so differently, especially long passes? The passes were really great. And the option to edit the player names and team names, too. The AI of the Amiga version was poorly programmed. C64 was much harder to beat.

Emperor Roscoe: Basically it looks like Commodores old cartridge game International Soccer. A decent enough game in itself, but EHIS takes that template, makes it quicker, adds a million different options and even adds in new character animations. I won't compare it to Microprose Soccer, as that would be like comparing an apple and an orange. Get both of them.

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  Emlyn Hughes International Soccer
Audiogenic Software 1988
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